Music, Speech Arts & Visual Arts Syllabus - 2025 - Orchestras
Community String Orchestra
Refer to Rules 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 49, 53, 54, 55, 65 and 80. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
The Final deadline for the Toronto Kiwanis Festival is December 16, 2024.
Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.
Depending on entries, and at the Festival's discretion, the classes could be further split between small groups (less than 20), medium groups (21-50) and large groups (60+)
Participants have the option to participate either "in person" or "virtually". This decision must be made at the time of registration.
Participants who choose the virtual option will be responsible for arranging to have a video recording made of their performance and for creating a YouTube channel that can be shared with the Toronto Kiwanis Festival Office via the online registration system.
All classes in this section are eligible to proceed to the Provincial level of competition upon adjudicator recommendation. Participants should be aware that this is a virtual competition and that two (2) pieces are required for the Provincial Finals. The Provincial registration deadline for large ensembles - registration, payment and repertoire selections, is March 30, 2025. Submission of video - for large ensembles only - is May 1, 2025.
Class:05101 - Age 19 and Over
Own choice of one or two selections. Time limit: 20 minutes
Class:05102 - Age 18 and Under
Own choice of one or two selections. Time limit: 20 minutes